Thursday, January 13, 2011

Round Two - The FINAL Round

Ha! So, it's been since October (that's two and a half months - count 'em, people) that I've posted.  Sad, in a way, but it also just confirms how difficult (and I use that term lightly) it is for me to focus on my health and my weight.


I need to personally thank the Cobb County Board of Education for closing school for four days during the Atlanta "blizzard" (ha!) of 2011, which thereby forced me to become so bored out of my mind with not working and not being able to leave the house (snow, ice, sick kid - you know the drill) that I began my journey - FINALLY!

So! I am proud to update this blog and really, truly focus on my goals and aspirations to be a thin, hot momma. Ahem, a healthy, strong woman.  ;)

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